Curtis has always teased me about my maiden name being Peeler. Heaven forbid if I ever ask where our peeler is because it just sets me up to be the brunt of a joke. I never thought I would see the day that my husband would fight over a white elephant gift just so he could bring me home a potato peeler. Well Kaitlyn's little ears must have picked up on it over the years. We were making applesauce so I borrowed my parents apple peeler/corer/slicer. The girls had a ton of fun turning the crank and watching it work magic by peeling the apple into little ribbons and then slicing it up. Kaitlyn decided she was really good at peeling the apples. The reason why she was so good was because she was half Peeler and half Strobelt!
The ice cream truck frequents our neighborhood. For some reason I just assumed that all kids new what an ice cream truck was and how to identify one until one day I was talking to my mother-in-law. Apparently Kaitlyn had been telling her Grandma how nice one of the drivers were. They turn up their music and drive around so everyone can share their nice music.
10 years ago