Sunday, April 24, 2011


I figured that the girls would come running downstairs in search of Easter eggs but somehow the living room littered with eggs didn't even spark the memory that it was Easter. We cuddled in bed for a while then ate a leisurely breakfast when I started dropping hints about Easter. Kaitlyn said she couldn't remember when Easter was and I told her that it was Easter morning. She looked into the living room and said "I see something fishy out there, what is that red thing on the piano". Once they figured it out the hunt was on. I'm also a slacker and I did things a little backwards this year. Later that day we finally got around to decorating some eggs. I didn't want to deal with the mess and stains of egg dye so I wanted to try something new. I let the kids (the parents ended up joining in too) color on the hot eggs with crayons which melts the crayons so it is like painting. The experience ended up lasting a lot longer and we got some great works of art.

Dr Seus Take One

This is what happens when your child gets a hold of your phone. I would much rather find this on the phone then the hundreds of dollars of charges for downloading games!

Park City

We decided to go to Park City for spring break. It has been a few years since we have been there and of course the girls had a ton of fun last time so we couldn't leave them home (though I entertained that thought for a long time). As I was asking Madison what she wanted to do in Park City, her only retort was go to the park because of course it was Park City. Some of the highlights to our trip: shopping, shopping and more shopping, swimming inside and outside, sitting in the hot tub as it was snowing, playing checkers, playing air hockey, watching movies on a king size bed and eating sushi! Madison wanted to take some pictures while we were eating sushi but doesn't quite understand the concept of not blocking the lense with her fingers. I will post a few of my favorites: Half of Kaitlyn, her shoes and a nice shot of the soy sauce!


What do you get when you cross a lost child and Cabelas? . . . free tokens to play games! I turned my back for one second to answer Curt's question, turned back around and Madison had disappeared. Come to find out, Kaitlyn so lovingly shut Madison in the changing room and then denied the knowledge of where she was (as we were standing right in front of the changing room). Talk about a cheap date, watching big fish eating little fish, feeding fish for 25 cents and then playing eight games at the shooting range for free.