Thursday, June 27, 2013

Happy First Birthday

This has been an anxiety filled couple of weeks leading up to this monumental occasion. My baby turned a year old. To the few who I have shared this confession with thought I was crazy. With my first two kids there was nothing but excitement to see them grow and change and reach their first birthday. But for some reason this one has been different. I started thinking about it months ago and the closer it got, the more panicky I felt. My only thoughts of why, is that it took so long for him to come to our family. I have thought and dreamt and pondered the moment of our baby-to-be for YEARS and then boom my baby is gone. I guess a part of me just wants to put life on hold a little longer and cherish my baby boy!

He came to us as a teeny tiny 4lb 12oz baby boy too early for his own good
Sleep has been a non-essential part of his life. I have never met a baby who needs so little sleep. Even a small 10 minute cat nap in the afternoon means being up until midnight . . . or later.

One of his favorite things is taking a bath. He is such a water baby! Other things he enjoys are playing the piano, cars and water bottles :)

From his beautiful blue eyes to his infectious smile, he is bursting at the seams with personality. It is not often that you see him with his tongue in his mouth. It is constantly hanging out which paved the way to his nickname Ottis.
His sisters absolutely adore him. Madison thinks that Corbin is my gift to her. Dirty diapers don't even scare these two away. They fight over who gets to change him.
And who said that only girls are fun to dress up. I love seeing him in his little suits.
The girls had fun wrapping his presents.

Of course it wouldn't be official without giving him something John Deere for his birthday!

Happy Birthday Little Man! I can't wait to see what the next year will bring.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Silly Things Girls Do

My girls like to dress up on a very regular basis. I wanted to just snap a few pictures because they were being so funny and they turned into, well, this:

Photo Shoot

We couldn't help but take the opportunity to get some good pictures of our baby while we were in Moab.

Of course Corbin is sporting part of his Dad's favorite outfit for him . . . Carharts! Since then he has added a matching hat to his jacket, overall ensemble.


For our 10-year-anniversary Curtis and I decided to take a quick trip. We sent the girls off to grandmas and since the little one was still on tap he got to tag along. We have never been to Moab and we wanted to see Arches so we packed the car and off we went. We probably picked one of the worst few days to go. It was good weather before and after we went but it rained while we were there. Corbin was a trooper because it was rainy, cold and windy but he was pretty good natured about hiking through it all!