Saturday, July 24, 2010

Half Marathon

I made it! My half marathon is over! I have a friend that over lunch one day said a bunch of us should train and run a half marathon. At first I told her she was crazy but she convinced several of us to sign up and start training. Eventually people started having excuses why they couldn't do it. At the end it was just me and Chanel. The day before the run I called Chanel to see when she was going to make it and she backed out. After all, I really didn't want to do it and then the person who talked me into it didn't even show up (Ok Chanel I forgive you!). It was quite an experience, and one I hope to never do again. I just don't have the body meant for running. I have an old knee injury that was giving me grief all through training. My goal was to run half of it and I almost made it. I just didn't want to push too hard and not be able to finish. The first 10 miles wasn't too bad but the last 3 were excruciating. To top it off I couldn't even attempt to get out of bed the next morning until the pain meds kicked in. All during the night I would wake up to turn over and it would take me ten minutes because I was so sore. If nothing else it gave us an excuse to get out of the house and go to Bryce Canyon. It was a beautiful run and it helped that it was mostly down hill!

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