Sunday, December 30, 2012


Every year Kaitlyn wants to be a witch for Halloween. I finally convinced her to pick something out. She wanted to be Hermione from Harry Potter. I am not one who will go out and spend a ridiculous amount of money on something the children will wear one maybe two times so we had to be a little creative. We didn't have Hermione's tie so we went with a dress. I decided that maybe that could be considered her dress robes because they were the right color right?!? I figured mostly the costume was in the hair and wand so we ratted up her hair and gave her a wand. Kaitlyn's best friend kept saying she didn't look like Hermione but I guess you just need a little imagination. Madison was a ghost. I had found some old costumes my Mom made us for Halloween so that is what she wore. Corbin was a hard one to pick out. There were so many fun ideas. I wasn't even sure it would be warm enough to take him around with us so we went with something easy. I couldn't help the "I love my mummy" pun.

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