Sunday, August 11, 2013

Birch Creek

Wow this has been such a busy summer! We have been gone more than we have been home. One of our many excursions took us back in time to my childhood. My sister Jen talked a lot about going back to Birch Creek and it finally became a reality. We went back to the same spot that held memories of our yearly trip with fishing, memories of my great Aunt Katie, Uncle Glen, Grandma and Grandpa and hooking my biggest catch when I caught my cousin in the nose with a fishing hook. Man it felt good to be back there. It is a different experience. No trees, only sage brush but the smells of the sage brush is amazing. To top it all off my Aunt Sue brought my Grandpa to spend a few hours with us and he got quite a kick out of all my stories of catching the fish and how they got away.

Masters at Dutch Oven Cooking

Playing Go Fish, Princess Style. Corbin wasn't going to be left out of the game!

Deemed the "Throne." It was brought for my Dad but I think he sat in it the least.

The wash station. It has become a lot more high tech than when I was a kid.

Introducing the baby into the fishing world.

What would we do without Daddy! Sometimes more hooks landed on the other side on the bank than in the water. Daddy was the man in charge of wading through the frigid water to retrieve those hooks.

I am so proud of the girls. They were not squirmish about putting worms on their own hooks, and participating in cleaning and eating the fish.

He needed no toys, just the dirt to play in!

What a beautiful night. My husband said if he took me out camping more than the drought would end. I am happy to say that it didn't rain on us until we were on the road back headed for home.

Oh he loved the fish! He was just as excited about catching the fish as the girls were.

Man my Dad sure got his line caught a lot! It was a good thing that there were so many grand-kids to help him out. The amazing thing was that as they took the pole to try and get it unstuck, they managed to catch a fish in the process :)

This was my favorite picture of all! It obviously was on the wrong setting. It makes my poor husband look like a monster. But hey it shows the great catches we made that night.

I think we will make that trip again. Word is maybe we will try to make it a yearly tradition again.

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