Friday, May 9, 2014


After many long years and my husband gently (or maybe not so gently) pushing his brother Lyndon to go to school. . . Lyndon finally graduated for USU! We couldn't pass up the possibility of missing a chance to go to Cache Valley and celebrate with him. The added bonus is that Kaitlyn was doing a project on Box Elder County so we were able to explore many sights and learn about it first hand on the way home.
Oh he wasn't getting congratulated for finishing school, rather it was in recognition of that beard. These boys don't need anymore encouragement on those grotesque facial over-growths. It makes it harder on these sweet innocent wives who have to been seen with them! The sad thing is one of the bishopric would always encourage my hubby to keep his beard. It was pretty bad that you could see the wings of fluff extending off Curt's face from clear up on the stand.I guess the bishopric member was trying to live vicariously through Curtis. At least for the graduation Curtis was a little better groomed. It gets to the point sometimes that I have to write Curt's boss and threaten him to come into town so that my hubby would cut the forest down and become presentable again.

The Bearded brothers. The back two were grafted into the family through extreme growing measures.

Fluffy, Lengthy and Goatee-ey

Lyndon and Laraine
Corbin contemplating the day when he will get his first chin hair!

The Strobelt Clan

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