Monday, June 30, 2014

Scout Camp

There wasn't a good day for us to go to a scout camp this year so, hey, why not make our own?!? What was I thinking!!! I couldn't have done it without some of the other scout leaders volunteering to help out. Not to mention my poor husband got coerced into showing off his tool talents. I cannot believe how much we crammed into one day! Why I thought we could pull off 3 of the most time/work intensive activity badges into 8 hours. That means those 10 year-old boys were stuck with me for 8 loooooong hours. Okay not so long, we were having so much fun that the time went by very quickly. Here are a few pics from our day:

Making Duct Tape Wallets

We made name plates, key hangers and bow and arrows

We also made rockets that we launched off

Sanding . . .

sanding and more sanding

Trying to show off their muscles by trying to lift our truck. We were teaching them how a hydraulic jack worked

The boys were racing to make a simple circuit. They won if they got their LED to light first.

Learning how pulleys work

Making a catapult and launching M&M's

I would say the day was a success!

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