Saturday, February 27, 2010

Off to School

August brought a whole new ball game. Kindergarten! Instead of seeing the beginning of Kaitlyn's school career, I am terrified because I know that within moments she will be graduating high school. Even though Kaitlyn was definitely ready for school, both academically and socially, I am far from being ready to let my baby go. I vowed not to be one of those parents who cried, but as she boarded the bus (another step I was not ready for) I had to bite my lip. Madison on the other hand cried and cried and cried. She REALLY wanted to get on that bus and go to school too! Her partner in crime was being ripped away from her and for days she wandered around lost without her companion. And of course we had to follow the bus to school on the first day to make sure that Kaitlyn could find her way to her new class.

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