Saturday, March 27, 2010

Life as we know it

Madison went to the eye doctor this week. It has almost been a whole year since her surgeries! The great news is that she can see 20/40. Now she has a new prescription and we have been out trying to find new glasses. This time I will be smart and find a place that has at LEAST a one year warranty. That way I can get the glasses fixed weekly without buying a whole new pair and just maybe I can start getting her to wear them. The one catch is the glasses that I want have the ear pieces that curve around the ears so they will stay on, but they only make them for two and under. That just seems crazy to me because my three year old could definitely use something like that! And apparently most kids don't have to wear bifocals. When I asked about the cost of bifocals at both of the stores we went to, they looked at me strange and asked me if I was sure that she was to get bifocals. And yes I am sure that is what the doctor ordered. I have such a hard time finding glasses I like for Madison. They all seem to hang two inches off the side of her head. However, the cutest glasses of all were the ones she came home in from the doctor's office. They are just like the adult glasses only miniature. And if I haven't mentioned before . . .Madison really HATES eye drops.
The update on Kaitlyn is there is only 10 weeks left of school. I have no idea how I am going to keep that girl occupied during the summer. She is doing so great in school I hate for it to end. During testing in January her teacher told me that she has already mastered what she should be reading by the end of Kindergarten. Now she has started reading first grade books. I am always amazed at how easy reading has been for her. Every book we have gotten from school she is able to open it for the first time and read it with little difficulty.
I will also have to post some of the things Kaitlyn has written about. She cracks me up with the stories she comes up with. They have been learning about having a beginning, problem and solution for their story. I was trying to get the creative juices flowing so I asked her what she was going to write about. She told me that she was going to write about our truck and the problem was that it didn't have license plates. She is as crazy as her Dad when it comes to loving trucks. I know my child is being brainwashed when I ask her what she wants to do and she says she wants to go test drive trucks (later I found out that the quality daddy-daughter time they were spending together was looking on the internet for a truck). Now that we have one she is bummed that we haven't been driving it. Good news is that it should be licensed and registered this week!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Addition

We welcomed our new addition to our family at the end of January
Name: Big Red
Nickname: Smokey
Weight: ¾ ton
Length: Only 2 inches to spare in the garage

My husband has wanted a truck for many years. He sold one before we got married and we briefly had one before we went back to school. The justification for this truck was that if we were going to have anymore kids then we would need a bigger vehicle. Well I obviously lost my view that we could fit three kids in the car. However, I know we can fit three in because I installed the car seats to check. But I have to admit it was love at first drive.
We have been proud owners of stick shift vehicles. Having driven both an automatic and a standard, I don’t think I will ever go back. Curtis was set on having a manual truck. The few manual trucks that I have driven have been very choppy and I didn’t care for it. But after driving our truck, once again I have been converted.


We had a really great Christmas. We had my husband’s family stay the night with us so they could be there Christmas morning and then my whole family came later that day. We had food galore and a lot of fun just being together. Some times I wondered who was having more fun with the toys, my kids, or the “big kids”.


I finally got some professional pictures done of my family. That was my birthday present to my self. We had a lot of cute ones and they defiantly captured the personality of my fun loving girls.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bad Hair Day

I tried putting Madison's hair in curlers. Ya, that didn't work!

Bridal Shower -- pictures to come

My baby sister decided to get married in Dec of 2009. I had the honor of trying to dodge the holidays and throw her a Bridal Shower (aka a baby shower to my girls). On the way to the shower I was talking to Kaitlyn. I love hearing her explanation and logic about things. I was teasing her and saying that I just didn’t know what to do with a six year old. I asked her if I could trade her in for two three-year-olds because I knew what to do with them. She told me it was a good thing that she knew what to do with a six-year-old. I could hear the wheels turning in her head so I HAD to ask what to do with a six-year-old. She told me that she was going to count her money, and when she was eight-years-old she was going to buy a house . . . And if she didn’t have enough money then maybe I could help her buy one. I told her how much I would miss her if she moved out at eight. She decided she would wait to move out until she had a bridal shower. Thank goodness she is no longer set on moving out at eight!
With the shower my Mom twisted my arm and said we had to do some games. Well most people don’t like games, including my self, so I tried to make them as embarrassing and entertaining as I could, much to my sister’s dismay. The first game wasn’t bad. I got the idea from one of the cousin’s bridal showers. We used toilet paper and tissue paper to create a wedding dress. Then she had to sit and answer questions about her fiancĂ©e. If she got a question wrong then she had to chew a piece of bubble gum. She had to keep adding a piece of gum for every wrong answer. And when we told her we would show the pictures to Brandon she gave me quite a look!