Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Addition

We welcomed our new addition to our family at the end of January
Name: Big Red
Nickname: Smokey
Weight: ¾ ton
Length: Only 2 inches to spare in the garage

My husband has wanted a truck for many years. He sold one before we got married and we briefly had one before we went back to school. The justification for this truck was that if we were going to have anymore kids then we would need a bigger vehicle. Well I obviously lost my view that we could fit three kids in the car. However, I know we can fit three in because I installed the car seats to check. But I have to admit it was love at first drive.
We have been proud owners of stick shift vehicles. Having driven both an automatic and a standard, I don’t think I will ever go back. Curtis was set on having a manual truck. The few manual trucks that I have driven have been very choppy and I didn’t care for it. But after driving our truck, once again I have been converted.

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