Thursday, January 19, 2012

3 is our lucky number

I am so very behind. Many large events have happened in the last few months and i have been too sick to even think about posting about them. And not your everyday sickness, the lay on your couch, moan and beg your spouse to put you out of your misery kind of sickness. And much to my dismay I am sure Curtis was close to following through with my plea. But it is for a good cause right?!? Well finally after 3 1/2 years, attempt number 3, multiple doctors and painful procedures, we are officially on baby number 3. After seeing the heartbeat a few times I think I am finally convinced that maybe this one will really happen, even though it wasn't suppose to happen the month that it did. The doctor told us to wait for a couple of months after my miscarriage, so of course the one month we are not trying to, we get pregnant. Good news though, i can get pregnant without medication. However, if this pregnancy is any indication of how this child will be then i better run for cover. When i went to my first doctors appointment i was hoping for something, anything to help with the all day sickness. I have tried everything to no avail. My doctor is not one who likes to prescribe those kind of things so i was out of luck. When she asked me how i was feeling i told her awful. Her response was, well you asked for it. At least i got a doctor with a good sense of humor.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!!! I am so excited for you! I hope everything is going well, besides for the sickness! We need to chat!
