Thursday, January 19, 2012

Madison vs The Baby

I truly believe the reason we were not able to have a baby for so long is that it wouldn't live through its childhood. My baby hungry, extremely helpful Madison would have smothered it to death. I would have had to lock the baby in a cage and leave the big sister frothing at the mouth if i ever went more than an arms length away. At least now she is a little older to understand the need to be careful, or at least a little stronger so the baby may not break as many bones from being dropped. But it has already started. I am no longer the object of Madison's affection. I come in second to my ever expanding belly. In public i have to be extra vigilant that my child doesn't catch me off guard and weasel under my clothes to give the baby a kiss. Whenever i go to the doctors, the first thing Madison asks is if it is s so the the doctor will cut out the baby. I got another peek into her understanding of the birthing process when she asked if the doctor was going to cut out the baby and then screw in the eyes.

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