Friday, May 28, 2010

Funny things kids say

One of my favorite things about being a Mom is all the funny words and things my kids say. I had a professor in school who adamantly told us no matter how "cute" something is you need to correct the child so that they won't be made fun of when they go to school and say it wrong around their friends. Well I guess I have to admit that I finally corrected Kaitlyn about a week before kindergarten (because it was so darn cute) and much to my dismay she has never said umbrella wrong again. Here is a list of some of my favorite words from my girls. Keep in mind part of the cuteness is the way that they say it.

umberlella or bru-lella (umbrella)
stider (spider)
Monoculars (monopoly)
chicken niggets (chicken nuggets)
kiweeds (kiwis)
cinderlella (Cinderella)
cloth-cloth (wash cloth)
can cakes (pancakes) I even couldn't get mad at Madison when she woke me up at four in the morning to ask me to make her can cakes because it was so cute and of
course she needs a cloth cloth to wipe the syrup off her mouth!

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