Friday, May 14, 2010

Kids will be kids

I made lasagna the other night for dinner. It was a little spicy which Kaitlyn absolutely hates anything remotely spicy. I thought for sure she would not eat it. Well we were sitting there and she was gobbling it up. She stops in the middle of eating and says "Mom, this is so good. You are the best cheft. Daddy is a good cheft too. He is number 20th" Well of course I was dying to know where I was on her scale so I asked her. She said "You are number 13th." Well at least I can out cook Curtis this week, Kaitlyn says that he cooks a pretty mean hot dog!

Madison on the other hand was working on her rejections this week. When I asked for a kiss one day she told me "Sorry, I don't have any kisses in my throat!"

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