Friday, May 14, 2010

Mothers Day

Kaitlyn was so excited for it to be Mothers Day. She has been working on a project in school to give me and she has been practicing a song in Primary to sing to me. The card that she gave me was giving a description of a person to try and guess who it was. Well it said who is 30 years old and weighs 201 pounds. Well I am sure that it was me who she was describing but for the record I am not 30 years old and I do not weigh 201 pounds.

The other gift that she gave me was a book she wrote about her family. That is the joy with kids, they really plainly write how they see things. It was hilarious. Here are a few things she wrote about:

She has brown hair. She has blue eyes. My mom is Rachel. My mom loves me. She works hard so we can have money. I love her. She likes to eat healthy food. We play

I like my mom. Her name is Rachel. She helps me wash the dishes. She likes to cook cordon blue. I love her she loves me. She likes my dad.

My dad is Curtis . Brown hair. Brown eyes. Chuck TV (Curtis likes the TV show Chuck). I love him. He likes to hid and surprise my mom. He likes tacos (I think she got this because Curtis calls his brother Taco). He likes football(I have no idea where this came from). He loves me.

My sister is madison. She is nice. I love her. She like purple. She likes here room. She likes to sleep in my bed. She likes me.

I like to go camping. We like to roast marshmallows. We like to celebrate birthdays, We like to watch movies. We like to go motorbiking.

I like my pet is A.J. Clark. She is a dog. She always does what I tell her to do. I love her. (This is her robotic dog)

The picture is Madison talking to my Mom to wish her a Happy Mothers Day. I decided I was going to take a day off from life and I was relaxing on the couch (which I very rarely do) and Curtis was in charge of making dinner. Well Madison plopped down in front of me and then started telling my Mom "My Mom is just sitting on the couch being lazy". Well I guess it was the truth but I can justify being lazy once a year can't I?

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