Saturday, May 29, 2010

Last week of school

I can't believe that Kaitlyn is done with Kindergarten. I swear she just started!! Well this week started when we were coming home from church on Sunday. Curtis has been making dinner on Sunday's for a while now so I was able to twist his arm to do it again so I could relax and spend time with my girls. Kaitlyn insisted that she did not want her Daddy making dinner but she wanted me to do it. Her reasoning behind it "But the food you make is not dangerous!" The week progressed into getting our window fixed on our truck. This was the second window that has been broken by the people mowing the lawn. The first window we replaced and chalked up as bad luck but I was furious to see another window was broken and I refused to pay for it. It ended up that the company fixed the window and it is a good thing because there are not many people besides Curtis who sees the wrath of Rachel. At least they would take me serious because all Curtis ever does when I am mad is laugh at me and tell me how cute I am when I'm mad. To end our week I ended up locking my keys in the car and having Curtis come rescue me and then celebrating Kaitlyn's graduation with banana splits.

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