Saturday, November 6, 2010

Back to First Grade

I was lucky enough today that Grandma had Madison so I could go volunteer in Kaitlyn's class for a couple of hours. I graded spelling tests and helped with their art project. I couldn't believe how fast they jumped from thing to thing. There was never enough time to finish one project before the next one began. I was sitting at the teachers desk when a little girl came up and asked if I was Kaitlyn's Mom. Then she preceded to tell me that I looked just like her (shouldn't it be the other way around, she looks like me because I was here first!). Later on I was helping someone when a couple of other boys got into a deep conversation about how I look just like Kaitlyn. I don't think they realized I was listening by the look on their faces when I commented on it. Apparently Kaitlyn and i look a lot alike. To top off the day a little girl came up to me and told me "Kaitlyn is really nice to everyone. She is a really a good friend". I had a blast being in first grade again!

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